Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications
FWF Special Research Program (SFB)
Our SFB member Onyekachi Osisiogu receives the 2021 Special Prize from the Zonta Club of Linz. Onyekachi was awarded a special prize from the Zonta Club of Linz in a well-attended ceremony on September 7. Many congratulations!
Our former SFB member Lisa Kaltenböck received the "AWARD OF EXCELLENCE" of the federal ministry for her PhD-thesis. Congratulations!
01.05.2020: the Projekt leader Christoph Aistleitner is promoted from Associate Professor to University Professor at the TU Graz.
Past News
01.05.2020: the Projekt leader Christoph Aistleitner is promoted from Associate Professor to University Professor at the TU Graz.
The SFB staff congratulates the SFB Maria de Ujué Etayo Rodríguez for the Vicent Caselles Mathematical Research Award of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society and the BBVA Foundation. This prestigious prize is awarded annually to six mathematicians with a connection to Spain (June, 2020). Details
The SFB member Tetiana Stepaniuk has been granted a Humboldt Fellowship
The SFB Member Sumaia Saad Eddin was selected to be a member of the committee of WAMS (West Asian Mathematical Schools)
18.12.2017: The board of trustees of the FWF has approved the prolongation of our SFB: „Quasi Monte Carlo Methods: Theory and Applications“ for the second period until January 2022. Conscious of the great honor, all members of the SFB thank the FWF for the great confidence and the continuous support of our work.
10.11.2017: The SFB staff congratulates the SFB member Alexander Bors (University of Salzburg) for the "Studienpreis der Österreichischen Mathematischen Gesellschaft 2017"
27.05.2017, Prof. Robert Tichy received an honorary doctorate from the University of Debrecen
December 2016: the SFB Member Alexander Bors is awarded with the "Award of Excellence - Staatspreis für die besten Dissertationen 2016" vom Bundesminister für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wissenschaft for his PhD thesis with the title "On dynamical aspects of finite group endomorphisms".
September 2016: Zhimin Sun (associate professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics in Hubei University) has been awarded a scholarship of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) to sponsor a one-year research stay at RICAM in the research project discrete applied mathematics (March 2017-February 2018) which will complement the SFB.
March 2016: The SFB staff congratulates the SFB member Johann Brauchart (Technische Universität Graz) for the Lise Meitner Stipendium.
17.11.2015: the SFB member Christoph Aisleitner (Institute of Financial Mathematics and Applied Number Theory) is awarded with the Talentförderungsprämie Oberösterreich 2015.
5. June 2015: all SFB members congratulate Christoph Aistleitner (Institute of Financial Mathematics and Applied Number Theory) for the prestigious Award START-Preis 2015!
Prof. Dmitriy Bilyk will be our "Land Oberösterreich Guest Professor". He will stay in Linz from June 14 to June 26, 2015.
Prof. József Beck will be our "Land Oberösterreich Guest Professor". He will stay in Linz from June 15 to June 27, 2015.