International Conferences

Our SFB aims to create an International Centre of Excellence in QMC Methods. A central item to meet this ambitous goal is the organisation of International Conferences.

Previous Conferences


  • Aicke Hinrichs, Peter Kritzer and Friedrich Pillichshammer are the main organizers of the 15th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing (MCQMC 2022) in Linz, July 17-22, 2022. For more information see:
  • Prof. Peter Grabner und Prof. Friedrich Pillichshammer are co-organizers of the ESI Program On Tractability of High Dimensional Problems & Discrepancy that took place in Vienna, 11.09 - 13.10.2017
  • The 10th IMACS Seminar on Monte Carlo Methods, Linz, 6-10 July 2015 is organised within the SFB
  • Prof. Grabner is Co-Organizer of the ESI Programme on "Minimal Energy Point Sets, Lattices, and Designs", September 22-November 29, 2014.
  • The first international conference organized within the SFB in cooperation with the RICAM is the Workshop on Occasion of Harald Niederreiter's 70th Birthday: Application of Algebra and Number Theory, Ricam, Linz, 23-27.06.2014.